Box Day 2013: Call for Submissions

People and fur people who are Disciples of The Leader Otis,

It’s Thomas. As Leader Otis had to leave us this year, the honor of being the Grand Marshal of Box Day has fallen to me. I am excited to take on the responsibility despite my sadness over the circumstances that required it.

Thomas talking about Box Day

I accept the position of Box Day Grand Marshal with excitement and a bit of sadness.

For those of you who only recently became Disciples of Otis, here is the run down on box day as described on the Cult of Otis website:

Box Day- December 26

No one knows why, but cardboard boxes are the most interesting things in the universe to a cat. No matter how many fancy beds you buy, no matter how much you spend on cat trees or other kitty “furniture”, no matter how many balls, catnip toys, laser pointers and other items you provide, your cat will lose interest in all of them the moment you place an empty cardboard box on the floor. If a box is present, it must immediately be investigated and, most likely, sat in. Only cats know the secret of the box’s appeal, but Box Day is the day of the year to celebrate your feline’s affinity for all things cardboard. So on December 26, fill an entire room with boxes of varying size, shape and depth and let kitty explore them and sit in them to his or her heart’s desire.

Box day occurs two days after Catsmas, and one day after the Christian human holiday called Christmas. Both Catsmas and Christmas seem to result in a large number of empty boxes, so it is only natural that Box Day comes right after them.

Every year here on the blog we like to have a Box Day catsravaganza. I would like you to join in this year’s festivities by sending in photos of your kitties enjoying boxes for everyone else to view and enjoy! Please send submissions via email by 3pm Pacific time on December 24 if you would like to join in the fun. I’m a little nervous about grand marshaling, so please help me make this the best Box Day ever!

Thomas being shy

Please help me make this the best Box Day ever!

Again, please email submissions by 3pm Pacific time on December 24 for inclusion in the catstravaganza. Thank you for your support!

In Otis’s Name,

Sir Thomas

Cult of Otis Zazzle Store

Stickers, T-shirts, tote bags and more at the Cult of Otis Zazzle store!


Filed under Holy Days

20 responses to “Box Day 2013: Call for Submissions

  1. 2 cats

    We practice all year for box day, very excited.

  2. Paula Ogier

    Would you mind noting the actual email address to send submissions to (as opposed to the link)? I ask because when I click that link it opens a messed up email program on my computer, instead of the email program I usually use. I’d really appreciate it. Thanks! Looking forward to Box Day.

  3. Thomas, RC Cat is overjoyed Boxing Day is near. She is practicing her pounces and spring-like entry dives already. Paws up!

  4. I hope you don’t mind…but I posted the following on my facebook page while sharing your blog…

    Since my budget is small this Christmas, I’d like to gift a blog I’ve been following to all my cat loving friends. The “guardians” as they call themselves, have had a particularly difficult year loosing two of their beloved cat “cult” members and frankly, huge pieces of their hearts. If you love cats, or are an animal lover of any kind, I think you will find this cleverly written blog a worth while read. It puts a smile on my face most days … unless I’m grieving with the guardians. Here’s to hoping their 2014 is joyful and full of memories!

  5. What a fine idea Sir Thomas. we’ve just sent our entry!

  6. OMC…*runs to askDad to bring the boxes in from garage*

  7. We know you will do a great job Sir Thomas. We have some cutie fosters we will be sending you. 🙂

  8. mistletoeandhitch

    Hooray! Hooray! We love Box Day!

  9. Joy

    This is our first Box Day! My sis, Charity, is gonna send in the pics of our cat in some boxes. I’m so exited :D.

  10. Thomas – You will be great – we believe in you – the Cats of DogDaz

  11. We’ll try to join in this year, Thomas!

  12. Thomas, you are sooo cute in that last picture!

  13. We never knew we were celebrating this wholey-day! We’ll see if we have some pictures to send Thomas. Well done taking this on!

  14. Yow sir Thomas ya will bee a grrreat Grand Marshall Kitteh of da finest distinckshun…me not haz a box 😦 so me haz nuffin to submit butt me doez send me *nose kissez* n adoashun to ya frum me….
    Pee Ess: Merry Catmess me furry Knight…..*swoonz*

  15. emilykarn

    Dear Thomas, My Person has just sent in my entry for Box Day. I hate boxes! My Person tricked me! She put bait (cat treats) in the bottom of the box and when I jumped in to eat them she took the picture! Selleck and His Person, Emily.

  16. I always love boxing day photos!

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