The Results of the Guardians’ Hard Work

My Disciples,

Ever since I discovered the severity of My health problem I have felt a sense of urgency to find ways to ensure that My message continues to be heard after I am gone. I wanted to do more before I depart. More specifically, I wanted the Guardians to do more. So I put them to work.

Otis Supervising Web Work

Once again I put the Guardians to work doing My bidding.

By now you have probably noticed the banner at the top of this page is a little different. I figured that, since Sir Thomas and Mama Cat are now official members of The Inner Circle, they should take their rightful place at My side in the banner. I have also told Thomas and The Brothers that Mama Cat shall officially be known as The Essence of The Cult of Otis, because her journey from a free-roaming life of neglect to one of safety and love embodies all that we are striving for here. I tried to tell Mama Cat this, but she hissed before I got it out, and then Sir Thomas yelled, “Protect the Queen!” and jumped in between us. I’m sure she will hear of her new title soon enough.

I was pleased with the Guardians’ work on the new banner, but I made it clear that their work was not done. I wanted to see that banner on a whole new website. One that was easier to navigate, and that would contain much more useful information for those seeking to improve the lives of kitties with whom they come into contact. This week, they finished the first stage of the new site and it is now live at

Otis supervising web redesign

I supervised the Guardians’ work as they redesigned

OK. So, I did have a little help supervising and encouraging the Guardians as they did My bidding. Brothers Henry and Oliver joined us on the couch while Thomas hung out underneath us. Mama Cat was usually nearby on the Super Outpost Tabby Tower giving us encouragement or sass, depending on her mood at the time.

The original Inner Circle helps

The original Inner Circle joined the creative process on the couch while the newest members provided support nearby.

As you can see in the photo above, it was a lot of hard work, but I am proud of what the Guardians have accomplished and I know they will be adding more great content to the new site in the future.

So please visit the new and let us know what you think. Also, please let us know if you find any broken links or other issues so the Guardians can fix them right away.

My time is now short, My Disciples, and I cannot tell you how much the thought of leaving you saddens Me. Still, I am confident My work will continue. The Brothers and Thomas will do their best to spread The Good Word in My absence, and maybe even Mama Cat will lend her voice to the cause. No one knows what the future holds, but I continue to hold out hope for a future in which all cats are happy, healthy, and safely confined.

So Sayeth Otis

Cult of Otis Store

Cult of Otis shirts, posters, mugs, stickers and more!


Filed under The Good Word

37 responses to “The Results of the Guardians’ Hard Work

  1. Bravo Guardians! The new site is lovely. My eyes welled up though, because the only part of this post that I really read was the part about the Leader’s time being short. We are still praying for a healing miracle.

  2. merbear74

    Thank you Otis. You are an inspiration. xx

  3. Leigh

    You have done so much to spread The Good Word Leader Otis, you should be so proud, but my heart is very heavy right now knowing Your time with us will soon be over. 😦

  4. Punapippuri

    We love the new site, and we also love this blog. Our hearts are hurting, even though we know, Leader Otis, you would not want this. Your Message and work are very important for all. Your strength shines out.

  5. Nan

    This looks great! I feel so sad that You will be moving on, but then again, we all will…it’s just that with You it feels a bit more clear, and soon. I am certain that the brothers, Thomas and Mama Cat will carry on with Your work!
    On the new website, when I clicked on Blog…oh, never mind, I now see that you need to click on All. With the default setting, all that was available was the 10/5 entry.
    I’m thinking of You Otis, quite a bit, and all that really matters is that You are feeling OK. Thanks for planning for the future, and ensuring that the Guardians follow through on all that needs to be done.
    Take care all!

  6. Dear Leader Otis, as CreatorCat decides, we all must go when we are called upon, to join those who have already parted… But You will rest safely and peacefully in the Paws of CreatorCat, which is a comforting knowledge! As you have fulfilled your mission admiringly well, I’m sure there is a Very Special Place kept for you above the Rainbow Bridge: An Eternal Safe Place… But please stay a little longer if you can? I wish could give you one of my remaining three (?) lifes….
    Of course we will carry on, in all parts of the world (That is in Sweden for me.) to spread your Good Word and help all kind of cats in need of homes, care and comfort! Walk in beauty! It has been an Honour to know you, Sir!
    / Wikki with a very wet nose…

  7. Dear Leader Otis, you are bravely facing your fate and we know you are being called to do even greater things than you can accomplish here in mortal form. We are pleased to see your humans recognize this, and send them purrs of encouragement as you continue your journey to your next incarnation.

  8. The banner looks great and the website too!! (The banner is so cool that I spend a good 5 minutes just looking at it).
    I understand your situation, Leader, and I appreciate it that you give us a chance to process with you all that is going on. May things unfold as they are meant to. Your memory will live on and we will continue to help the brothers, Mama Cat and Thomas to spread the good word. Much love to You all!

  9. As long as there are disciples to carry on Leader Otis, your work will continue and not be forgotten. We send our best purrs to you and mom sends reiki love to you and the guardians to help ease your path through this difficult time. Harry, Dexter, Tipp and Willow, Mom Carolyn and Dad Mark

  10. we love the new banner and know that your word will spread with the new site………. purrs to you and your family Leader Otis

  11. *sob*. All I can hear right now is that you now are very clear your time is very short…I have know that in my head for sometime, but now my heart and soul hear it and I can hardly stop my leaky eyes. I am sure your new website is grat and will visit soon. Your new header is just purrfect. I love you Otis, you were one of my very first blogs to follow, and I am so glad I found you. I can only imagine the heartache of your guardians…and your brothers Oliver and Henry….they will miss you greatly. To the best of my ability, I vow to carry on your work…trying to bring limbo kitties into The Promised Land. I am a most dedicated disciple. Consider me your California honorary “Champion” of all things Cult of Otis. Paw purrrayers, your loving furriend, Savvy

  12. I love your new header, and the new website is great!
    But on the more solemn side… I’m so sorry for your guardians and the brothers. I’ve been following you for some time, and I will be deeply saddened when you have to go, but for now I would like to thank you for spreading the news of keeping kitties happy, healthy, and safely confined.
    Thank you for your good work, and I hope that you enjoy the time that you have left.

  13. We love your new banner and your new site. Sending purrs to you. keep spreading the Good Word as long as you are able. Selleck and His person, Emily.

  14. Joy

    I really like your new banner and your new website, Leader Otis. I’ll be sad to see you leave. But I am sure that the Guardians, the brothers, Mama Cat, and Thomas will keep on spreading the good news.

  15. So sorry to hear that your time is short Dear Leader – you are preparing very well. Big hugs.

  16. Leader Otis and Your Guardians, Thank you so much for spreading the word on how to help homeless outdoor kitties. It is an honorable and necessary task you have taken upon yourselves.
    Our hearts are heavy and our mom’s eyes are leaking knowing that Leader Otis’s time is short. Mom said she feels like you (Otis) are one of her own.
    Purrs for a miracle. Mom and all of us love you very much.

  17. Sandy

    My heart is with you and your Guardians as I know losing you will leave a hole in their hearts that may never be filled. It is said that animals live in the “now”, but you will also leave a rich legacy that will help animals for a long time to come. You were always meant to be special, Leader Otis, and will never be forgotten. Thank you for urging the Guardians to work on the new website. It looks great and the choice of pictures and information is amazing. Sending you much love, sandy

  18. phillypetsandseniors

    I don’t have the strength of the others. I am just crying. I feel I’ve come to know you little munchkin Otis. Can’t bear the thought of losing you.

  19. The new website is absolutely lovely and a real tribute to Otis.. My eyes get leaky with the reminder that Leader Otis’ time is running short, but knowing all the good he has done and will continue to do warms my heart..

    Purrs to Otis and to all who love him during this difficult time of transition.. May you have lots of wonderful quality time together and may the transition at the end be very peaceful.

  20. We love your new header, Leader Otis, and so glad Mama Cat is now officially part of the Cult. We are heading over to see the new site. We’re sure it’s great.

  21. mistletoeandhitch

    The new header is wonderful, Leader Otis. We look forward to visiting your new, improved web site very soon. We are so sad to think of you going, Leader Otis. But, we are doubly as glad that we have had the privilege to have met you and followed your teachings. We, like Miss Linda & Savannah, and Miss Sherri-Ellen & Nylablue, will continue to spread the Good Word to all that will listen. We thank you, and the entire Cult of Otis, for not only talking the talk , but always walking the walk.
    Mistletoe, Hitch & the HuMom

  22. Batya Harlow

    Can’t stop crying. Goodbyes are so painful. Bless you, Otis, for all the good work you have done on behalf of kitties everywhere. You have truly made a difference. So glad to see Sir Thomas and Mama Cat included in the banner. (I couldn’t bring myself to rate today’s post because of the overwhelmingly sad news that your time is now short.) My heart goes out to your Guardians, the Brothers, and all who will miss you. Much love, Batya (and Trout and Kismet).

  23. RC Cat: “On quiet paws all in this realm shall be honored to visit the new realm you have had the Guardian craft with your direction.
    We salute you, Otis. So much good work and guidance with such patience and honor.You have shown the way. Let others now shoulder the heavy burdens that remain.
    Purring you peace and comfort. May you always rest in warmth and know Our friendship.”

  24. It’s wonderful to see Sir Thomas and Mama Cat included in the banner, though we’re deeply saddened about why it is so urgent that they be added. We promise to continue spreading your word, Leader Otis, no matter what.

  25. I like that you included so many pictures of the Outdoor Domain on the website. It will give Guardians of door dashing kitties ideas on how to build their own.

  26. Mommy is all teary Leader Otis, reading how you continue to selflessly think of others, even as you fade into the next plane. We’ll be comforted knowing you’ll be watching over us…and also surfing your legacy website.

    You are one in a million. We love you!

  27. Darling Otis, all kitties are special, as you have taught us, but you’re extra special because you will leave us the legacy of your Cult, your Disciples, and your Teachings. My heart aches for your Guardians and for all of us who love you so much. But I’m grateful for the life in which you’ve been cared for, protected, played with, and most of all, loved. That love will continue to the end and beyond because none of us here will ever forget you.

  28. Nijinsky Cat

    Leader Otis, you are deeply loved and your flame has burned brightly. Purr bravely and know that we will always think of you and your family with love and warmth. All cats (and animals) go to heaven.

  29. *tears* oh leader Otis I don’t want you to leave, but I know you are needed at the rainbow bridge to give comfort to the limbo cats who passed without ever knowing unconditional love. So instead of saying goodbye, I wish you the best on your next journey. The website looks wonderful, I am so happy mama cat is the essence. I am working on a limbo kitty myself. We named him max. I hope he will enjoy life in the promised land like you, sir Thomas and mama cat have. Sending lots of love & purrs from bubby, buggy, miss bitty and little boo and limbo kitty max. I will do my best to spread the good word.
    Chris -the writer of peace, love & whiskers.

  30. Thank you all so much. Your love and support bring much needed comfort to Me, and especially to the Guardians right now. Again, thank you, from the bottom of our feline and human hearts.

  31. We understand Otis that your time is short and this is heart breaking for all..your legacy though is one that will outlast all of us though as the word is are inspirational and even in these sad times still spreading love for all felines and their plight in this very un feline friendly world.Our thoughts as always are with you and your family.too many sweet blog friends are going through sadness thank goodness we are all like minded and love our precious ones jointly.Sending love and hugs and purrs to you all.Fozziemum xx

  32. Off to have a look right now! We are sending you all love and comforting thoughts!

    P.S The new banner looks fab!

  33. Yow Leader Otis…Nylablue here…maybee we go to Rainbow Bridge together?? Whoever goes ferst we will meet da other ok??
    Mum iz gonna go check out the new site. We haz a questshun: Will da Guardianz still keep diz site?? Mum iz confused n me told her me check wif ya….Da banner IZ pawsum n we iz so glad Momma Kat iz included…
    Lub frum Nylablue n Sherriellen xxxx
    Pee Ess: Purrleeze give Sir Thomas a wee kissey frum me too *blushez*

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