Meeting Mama’s Needs Part I: The Request

My Disciples,

Yesterday, I was  taking a nap in My Outdoor Domain. As usual, Brother Henry was providing security. Mama Cat appeared on the cement wall next door and asked if she could speak with Me. I said, “Of course you can, Mama!” I also instructed Brother Henry to keep a sharp eye out for danger in the backyard because Mama did not have the benefit of protective wire like Brother H and I did.

Mama Shed 1

Mama stopped by and asked if we could talk. I said we could, and told Brother Henry to remain vigilant.

Mama sat down and said, “Leader Otis, as you know, my guardians and I are going through a tough time over here. Your Guardians have been making sure I never go hungry, and that I get treats, brushes and lots of pets, but I am still struggling. You see, my guardians have been forgetting to leave their window open so I can get back inside the house at night. When that happens, I sleep on the red chairs next to your enclosure, but it gets kind of cold and damp. I woke up shivering this morning! Is there any way you can help me?”

Mama Shed 2

Mama said that she is sometimes getting locked out at night. She gets cold when that happens. She asked if I could help.

I told Mama Cat that I felt really bad that she was getting cold. I said, “I’m so sorry Mama! That’s terrible! But did you know that there is a Toastitron 3000 right over there by the fence? The heater is always on so kitties like you can go in and get toasty!” Mama said, “I know, Leader Otis, but I hate to be enclosed in tight spaces. I just… can’t go in there… Is there anything else you can do?” I told Mama that I would start working on her problem immediately. I would do everything in My power to make sure she did not wake up cold again. Mama thanked Me and walked over to a sunny spot in which she could take a toasty nap.

Mama Shed 3

I told Mama that I would do everything in My power to ensure she never woke up shivering again.

As soon as Mama left, I headed inside to begin My work. I had no idea how I would convey Mama’s message to the Guardians, but I was determined to try. Before I could make a plan though, the Guardian’s headed out the door, got in their car and left.

So Sayeth Otis

Tomorrow- Meeting Mama’s Needs Part II: The Guardians Are Up To Something

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Filed under Daily Life, The Good Word

30 responses to “Meeting Mama’s Needs Part I: The Request

  1. Leigh

    Poor Mama Cat, this is all so awful for her. Guardians of Otis, I know Mama’s people are apparently decent folks who are having a tough time, but have you chatted with them recently about whether they might be willing to surrender Mama at this point? If they can no longer even remember to let her inside at night then they really seem too overwhelmed to care for Mama any longer. So grateful that you are looking out for her, thank you for your kind hearts!

  2. We have very leaky eyes seeing Mamma Cat clearly in such bad shape, her wonderful furrs so messy and to think of her shivering….pawful. Can we help?

    • Thanks Savannah. The Guardians seem to be working on something as we speak. Mama’s fur looks really bad right now, but mostly because she is still growing it out in places where the Guardians cut out mats. She’s getting brushed at least once a day now so that won’t happen again.

      • I thought that was the case, but she looks so sad and depressed. She is such a feisty ladycat and my role model. We still wanna be on record as offering to help you, and the Guardians, help her…just sayin’…paw pats, Savannah

  3. 2 cats

    aww bless mama cat

  4. I feel so sad for her and the other kitty in her household. I hope there is a good solution that keeps Mama nice and safe and always toasty and feed.

  5. Nijinsky cat

    Can Mama Cat be integrated – if only temporarily – into the Capture?? She is looking so bedraggled and not her shining self!!

    • The Guardians would have brought her inside with us already Nijinsky, except Mama can get quite cross with us boys. All of us except Thomas have been bopped by her a time or two right through the wire of our enclosure. The Guardians are on the case though, and I think Mama will feel much better very soon.

  6. You are a good mancat Otis….we know you will be able to help Momma Cat.

  7. spittythekitty

    Oh poor Mama Cat! She looks kind of sad. Leader Otis, the Human sended an email to your Guardians (at an email address we found on one of your pages–hope it gets there!) We are anxious to see Part II. Purrs to You all and Mama Cat too.

    • Thanks Spitty. I’m sure the Guardians will get your email.

      • spittythekitty

        Thanks for the reminder about Mama Cat’s recent “fur-cut” to remove the mats! That’s probably a lot of the reason her furs don’t look as smooth and floofy as usual (but we are sure it feels GREAT to be rid of those mats)! We forgotted about that. We have TOTAL trust in the Guardians to take good care of her. You are a Good Boy, Leader Otis.

  8. Momma Cat is looking so stressed. It must be so disheartening when she finds the window closed. Paws crossed a solution can be found (some kitties are shy about seeking safety in areas not their own…it just doesn’t smell right – or the blanket is rumpled or something). Just hesitant to intrude in case another kitty shows up and demands to be let in, too. Oh my.

  9. Aw, poor Momma Cat. I have a feeling your guardians will be able to do something, they’re very good at taking care of the limbo kitties. What a blessing they are!
    We’re waiting on the edge of our seat for part two!

  10. ena

    if the guardians are up to something Otis, I think it’ll be something good.

  11. Poor Mama kitty. It makes us sad to see her looking so rough, and the idea of her being cold at night is terrible. We can’t wait to see what solution that your Guardians devised.

  12. Batya Harlow

    Otis, I have faith that the Guardians know what’s going on with Mama Cat and are going to help. You have awesome Guardians! You’ve taught them well ♥♥♥

  13. Linda

    Otis, you have the bestest guardians who care about all kitties =^..^=

  14. Leader Otis, we sure feel bad for Mama Cat. But knowing that the Guardians are on the case and are helping her makes us feel better. We know Mama Cat will be okay.

  15. Heather

    Not to pick on your neighbors b/c goodness knows mine are horrible pet owners too, but how on earth can you forget to let your pet back in??? I’m sure she meows and scratches at the door. Don’t they kiss her goodnight before they go to bed? Lawdy, lawdy!

    You could try a cat flap if Mama’s family will let you, leader Otis. Thank goodness your guardians are on top of it.

  16. Hello dear boy, brothers (not the wiener dog cat Thomas) and visitor Mama – when it seemed like one of our neighbor cats had been left behind earlier in the year, a cat carrier with a cloth draped over it and a warm fuzzy bed inside appeared on a particularly cold day. They left the door open so our friend could come and go as he pleased. Just an idea to help with Mama’s request.

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