Thomas Isn’t Really A Wiener Cat

My Disciples,

I just wanted to let you know that yesterday’s blog post was not real. Brother Oliver said we should do something funny for April Fool’s Day, and he came up with the idea of wienerizing that photo of Thomas. Thomas is not really a wiener cat though, and he is not working for the wiener dogs.

Thomas not a wiener

See, Thomas is not really a wiener cat, nor is he in cahoots with the wiener dogs.

So hopefully we didn’t scare any of you too badly. Unfortunately, we did scare Thomas. The poor little guy freaked out when he saw the wienerized photo of himself, and he has been hiding up in Kitty Valhalla ever since. I tried to go up and talk to him but he just said, “Leader Otis! Look away! I am a hideous wiener!” I’m sure he’ll get over it… eventually.

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Filed under Daily Life

24 responses to “Thomas Isn’t Really A Wiener Cat

  1. merbear74

    Poor Thomas.

  2. Joy

    That explains a lot. Don’t worry… I knew it all the time 🙂 just forget that other comment yesterday.

  3. Uh, we weren’t fooled…, not at all……really….we knew the truth…..

  4. Poor Thomas. You should remind him of how many comments you get talking about what a handsome kitty he is. He seemed to appreciate the admiration before, maybe it will help him to overcome his weinerization.
    Mistletoe &Hitch

  5. spittythekitty

    Oh pish-tosh, Leader Otis! *I* knew Thomas was no weiner doggy! ::whisper:: ::whisper:: Oh, yes, all right, the Human *did* have to tell me. But THEN I knew.

  6. Oh, pooh! Sorry that Thomas is still freaked out. We all knew he wasn’t a weiner cat! Brother Oliver best look out next April Fool’s Day.

  7. theislandcats

    Yeah, we kinda figured it was an April Fool’s joke…though we don’t think Thomas is a fool…or anything like that….

  8. You didn’t have me fooled for a minute, Otis. The only cat I know of that even approaches “wiener” length is Loki from the Mean Kitty videos.

  9. Oh Thomas, you are a handsome tabby boy.

  10. This is a much better look for Thomas.

  11. That’s the trouble with April Fools ‘jokes’. Not everyone laughs.

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