Today I Shall Ignore The Banana

My Disciples,

As you may know, I have a history of what some would call a “problem” with catnip bananas.  Although, I do feel that I need to point out that I was not the one that went so far as to tear open the banana and freebase banana catnip.  The Guardians have since removed the damaged banana and replaced it with a shiny new one.  Brother Oliver continually hides it from Me though, fearing that I will not be able to control Myself.

Well, today someone must have been playing with the catnip banana and they just left it in the middle of the living room floor.  I have decided that I will sit here all day and ignore the banana, thus proving to Brother Oliver that My days of catnip banana abuse are behind Me.

Otis ignoring banana

Oh, is that a catnip banana over there? Whatever. I don't care at all.

Yep.  This is how I shall spend My day.  Ignoring that banana.  The one right over there.  The one that I could just walk over to and bite, or bat or roll around with…but I won’t.  Why would I?  I’m all better now.  I couldn’t care less about that thing.  Nope.  No sireee.  I’m fine.

So Sayeth Otis

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Filed under Daily Life

8 responses to “Today I Shall Ignore The Banana

  1. Otis, I see you tightly holding down that right paw…walk away! Walk away now!

  2. Otis, I think there’s a 12-step program for catnip abuse. The first step is admitting that you’re powerless over the nip….

  3. hopewellmomschoolagain

    At least you can admit the problem, Otis! What control you are exhibiting! No wonder you are the Leader!

    C, C & CC in Ohio

  4. Batya

    I say enjoy the banana, after all you’ve been through at the Bad Place and with your painful Art thingummy condition. I hear there’s a possibility of legalizing catnip bananas for pain control, so tell Brother Oliver you don’t need a 12-step Program (that’s a lotta steps for one with Art Pain), you just need a Pre Scrip Shun.

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