You Might Think I Don’t Want That Waffle, But You Are Wrong

My Disciples,

This morning, as one of the Guardians was eating breakfast, I was practicing The Art of Sneaky.  Using a large cup of tea to mask My approach, I slowly crept to within about 4 inches of the Guardian’s breakfast.  At that point, I must have had a break in My concentration or something, because the Guardian spotted Me.

Otis sneaking toward breakfast plate.

I managed to sneak to within 4 inches of the breakfast plate, but then I lost concentration and was spotted.

When the Guardian saw Me he said, “Otis, you don’t want any of this.  It’s just a waffle.”  But I did.  I did want that waffle.  Maybe not all of it, but just one delicious taste of its forbidden goodness.  Yes Guardian, you might think I don’t want that waffle, but you are wrong.

So Sayeth Otis

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Filed under Daily Life

14 responses to “You Might Think I Don’t Want That Waffle, But You Are Wrong

  1. Wow, Otis! You definitely need to put more practice into your sneak-attack! Leo not only can get closer, but can pull the plate towards him with his paw and before I could yelp out a STOP! he’d have that waffle snarfed down in no time flat.

  2. Batya

    The Guardians need bigger teacups.

  3. Waffles hold butter in those little crevasses Otis. I don’t understand why your Guardian would think that you wouldn’t want it.

  4. Do your guardians not understand that a cat always wants whatever they have, even if only to spit it out, look accusingly and communicate ‘why would you eat *that*?!’

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