Happy Dependence Day!

Disciples of the Leader Otis,

Brother Henry here. I got a bit of a late start on the blog post today because I am exhausted! I was up half the night running from the sound of people trying to out-explode one another. My ears might be permanently cockeyed from trying to listen in all directions at once!

Henry Crooked Ears

It was crazy in our neighborhood last night with people trying to out-explode one another. My ears might be stuck like this permanently.

I understand that tonight will probably be even worse, but the Guardians are going to be here with us, making us feel as safe and calm as they can. If you are in an area that is likely to have a lot of exploding, be sure to do the same for your furry family members!

By the way, explosions aren’t the only exciting things that are going on around here. I can’t go into great detail because Leader Otis has insisted that he be the one to share the good news (yes, he’s feeling much better now!). All I am allowed to say is that the Guardians have done something in the true spirit of Dependence Day and The Leader is extremely pleased with them. Again, he’ll be sharing the news with you soon.

So, happy Dependence Day one and all! Keep your kitties safe, and work to help all of those other felines out there that are not safe. They are truly depending on you!

So Says Brother Henry

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Filed under Holy Days, The Good Word

8 responses to “Happy Dependence Day!

  1. Brilliant !!!!!!!! xoxoxoxoxoxoxo

  2. Wish you and your family a HAPPY and safe 4th July šŸ™‚

  3. Happy 4th of July friends!!! We look forward to hearing your exciting news šŸ™‚

  4. Batya

    I am totally dependent on my cats, Trout and Kismet. I don’t know if my neighborhood will be crazy noisy tonight or not–it’s our first July in a new neighborhood. But I have Rescue Remedy (alcohol-free formula for animals) just in case. Love to all the Brothers!

  5. woo woo woo! Happy Dependence Day to you too!

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