Tag Archives: technicolor

Brother Henry and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcloud

My Disciples,

The Guardians let us into Kitty Valhalla to visit Thomas again yesterday. He was kind of tired, so The Brothers and I just hung out and kept him company. We discovered something very strange in Valhalla though. The Sacred White Cloud of Eternal Comfiness had changed color! Brother Oliver and I were wary, because change makes us a little nervous, but Brother Henry rushed over and plopped himself down in the middle of the cloud.

Henry Technicolor Dreamcloud

Brother Henry plopped himself down on the now strangely-colored cloud. Brother Oliver and I were wary of it.

I asked Brother Henry how it felt, from a safe distance away of course. He said, “Leader Otis! It feels amazing!” I replied, “Really! It feels amazing!? Don’t you think it is wrong to defile the Sacred White Cloud of Eternal Comfiness with all of those colors” And he said, “No, no, no, Leader Otis! I think this is a completely different cloud! This is The Amazing Technicolor Dreamcloud!”

I was a bit shocked by what Brother Henry said, as I had never even heard of the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcloud. Brother Oliver was less shocked. Actually, I’m not even sure he heard what Brother Henry had said because he was busy pooping in Thomas’s litter box again. Before I had a chance to investigate the dreamcloud for Myself, the Guardians were whisking The Brothers and Me out of Valhalla and turning on a fan. Frankly, at that point, I was happy to go.

So Sayeth Otis

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Filed under Daily Life